A Glimpse Into the Supernatural
Five thousand years ago the Age of Embodiment began with the White One and the Eleven, who brought the element relium from the Before into our world. As the children of the Eleven and their human mates slipped into the stream of history, they were known by many names. Among themselves, they are the First Born. Their descendants, the Offspring, are found in every culture around the world.
They are almost human—but not quite. The relium coursing through their veins gives them strengths unknown to man. Their participation in the human world is limited by the Covenant, which forbids the Eleven and their descendants from killing each other, bearing children together, and manipulating the will of humans.
Each family developed a line of scribes bound by a blood curse and tasked with recording family secrets and lore. Only the Keeper of the Lines knew every twist and turn of their complex genealogy, keeping the cipher-locked secrets in the closely guarded Book of Tracings. As the number of Offspring grew, the Eleven established the Crimson Scribes to govern their vast legacy.
Many array themselves around the Eleven. The Amyclaean Guard are sworn to protect them and enforce their will. Monks in the order of Pro Lapsis Astra dedicate themselves to praying for these Fallen Stars. And more ominously, the Hidden Eye, on a holy mission to eradicate abomination, is hunting them around the globe.
Now, in our time, their world is crumbling. Will the children of the Eleven return to the Before or will revolution sweep the globe?